Javascript jQuery

Javascript animation with GSAP JS

The natural choice was to go for greensock GSAP JS, as I am very pleased with the ActionScript product those guys develop. Well, once again, the javascript version made it up to my expectations ! It works pretty much in the same way, offers the same flexibility in constructing the animation with the Timeline class, and actually animating objscts with the Tween class.

I won’t go to much into the details as it might look redundant with all that I’ve said for AS3 GSAP.

Here’s a screenshot with a link to the demo. The graphics design is a fine job by Magali Sire


KONE Design

Some jQuery was also used, I find it really convenient to manipulate the DOM.

The image loader is a great open-source API called imagesLoaded. It’s compatible with jQuery just as is GSAP, so it all fits together.

Here’s a sample of my code used for the loading process :

I know, this was meant to be all about GSAP animation… well ok, here’s a sample that shows some of the stuff :

That’s all, folks !